[11:07:00 PM]
everyday i learn something new..
it amazing how the human mind has been crafted so perfectly that there is no flaw..
and in the something thats amiss,
we realise the true beauty of our kind..
how beautifully we are created..
imagine if none of us were different..none with a defect..
then we won't appreciate how perfectly tuned we are..
every cell in its place..
every atom in its orbit..
would we know the function of the eye if all of us could see?
would we appreciate the mind's endless boundaries..
where imagination is allowed to travel and realities attained..
the exquisite features marvel me..
and beyond doubt..
i noe that such perfection can be created by one greater..
one so great that perfection is HIS name..
perfection is HIM..
does it make sense that such a perfection exsist without a creator?
someone must exist
it is He who made flawless the tides, the moon and the sun..
it is HE who cycled the weather to its rhythm
it is He who spins the globe on the askewed angle..
but do the cycle fail?
do we feel the earth tumbling from its axis and twirling in another direction?
does the sun rise from various positions each day?
or does the moon stops becoming full?
have u wondered..
how come amist this impeccability there is chaos?
is it not strange to think that a carpenter would destroy his masterpiece..?
it is the termites which bite into the wood..
eating away every painstalking effort..
it is amazing...
perhaps its time for us to open our eyes and see with our hearts..
perhaps we should stop listening to the words of hatred
but start listening to sounds of the oceans..
perhaps its time for us to look around us
and not at the reflection of ourselves..
we might think that our inventions prevail all..
yet we can't create a knee that can replace the functions of a broken one..
let alone can we create another species just like us..
it is truly amazing..
everyday now when i reach home..
i think about the wanders about this world..
the beauty of the human creation..
if u could only see wad i see..
perhaps then ull understand what i mean..
..i realised today that i m driven by anger,irritation and passion..
each day i discover more about myself that i never really knew..
its amazing..
ull think that 19 years of being with myself ..
i would have comprehended how i behave..
but just like you..
i m discovering my secrets that i never knew..
but someone greater is the keeper of these secrets
and HE is taking HIS time revealing it to me..
but ill wait..for there is no urgency..
for tomorrow might not even be..